Engineering Action
Engineering Action is dedicated to providing experiential learning through classes, camps and special events to children from preschool to 8th grade.
Why? Because introducing children to STEAM topics through open ended creative learning is both fun and rewarding.
The original concept was to use LEGO bricks to teach middle school students how to perform experiments. Engineering Action started with “free play” classes at Brookwood School, and has since evolved to classes utilizing motors, gears, and robotics. Engineering Action now offers classes in a range of topics and combines LEGO with other materials such as littlebit, Cubelets, Strawbees, Arduino and Dash and Dot.
Engineering Action has provided programming to the following organizations.
Ipswich EDP after school program
Ipswich Library
Topsfield and Boxford Horizons, after school program
The Community House of Hamilton and Wenham
The Wenham Museum
Hamilton Wenham Middle School,
Myopia Hunt Club, Brookwood School
North Shore Community College
North Shore Christian School
Glen Urquhart School
Brookwood School