• Mock First Lego League!

    Class Dates: 10/4 - 11/25, 7 classes

    Time: 3:30 - 5:00

    Location: Ipswich Town Hall - room details to follow

    Ages: 7 - 12

    Cost: $150

    Let's bring back Ipswich's First Lego League! This seven-week class serves as an introduction to FLL using the materials from the official FLL 2017 competition. The Mock FLL is a shorter time frame, less expensive, fewer kids, and no need for parent coaches. In the last class, the students will demonstrate the missions they accomplished for friends and family. The goal is to give kids experience with FLL, hoping we find enough kids interested to start an official team in 2024.

    FLL Official Description

    FIRST LEGO League Challenge - Grades 4-8

    "Friendly competition is at the heart of Challenge, as teams of students ages 9-16* engage in research, problem-solving, coding and engineering – building and programming a LEGO robot that navigates the missions of a robot game. As part of Challenge, teams also participate in a research project to identify and solve a relevant real-world problem."

  • SCRATCH Coding Club

    Class Dates: 10/4 - 11/18, 6 classes

    Time: 5:15 - 6:15

    Location: Ipswich Town Hall - room details to follow

    Ages: 7 - 12

    Cost: $100

    Students will program with Scratch, a free online programming language perfect for beginning and experienced coders. Students will be challenged each week to create a new game using core coding concepts such as sequences, events, loops, conditionals, and variables. All experience levels are welcome, from beginner to advanced. The coding concepts learned apply to more advanced coding languages, such as Python, which will hopefully offered during the winter session.